Rhode Island – Attorneys
Please consider using an attorney if you are buying or selling a house. Attorneys can be a great insurance policy to prevent problems. That means you should hire the attorney BEFORE you to sign anything. Do not sign a fee agreement with a Realtor until your attorney reviews it first. Do not make your purchase agreement contingent upon attorney review, rather have your attorney review it before you sign it. Better yet, consider having your attorney draft the purchase agreement instead of your Realtor. Don’t let your Realtor pick a title company. Get your attorney involved in that process too. A good residential real estate attorney can add efficiencies to the process while protecting your interests and possibly saving you money.
If you feel that something went wrong in your transaction, hire a consumer attorney to help with litigation. Do not use an attorney who also represents Realtors because most transactions involve Realtor malfeasance and you don’t want to use a conflicted attorney.
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