Maryland and D.C. Area Exclusive Buyer Agents
- Maryland Exclusive Buyer AgentsIf you see a blue EBA* that means the agent is an Exclusive Buyer Agent (“EBA”). EBA’s work for firms that specialize in representing buyers and avoid problematic conflicts of interest by foregoing the very profitable business of representing sellers. CAARE encourages you to consider EBA agents first.
Remember, most will pay a 25% referral fee to a referring broker. If you found them on this list, we do not collect any fees so you should be able to negotiate a discount of 25%. ALWAYS strike out any reference to an extra broker commission that is in the Buyer Representation Agreement.
1. EBA* John F. Sullivan, Vice President of Buyer’s Edge Co., Inc. 3022 crest Avenue Cheverly, MD (301)-873-8975
Washington D.C.
1. EBA* Victoria Ray-Henderson, Buyer’s Edge (800) 207-6810
2. EBA* Dana Hollish Hill, Vice President of Buyer’s Edge (202) 271-5301
Washington D.C. area
1. EBA* Steve Israel, President at Buyer’s Edge Company, Inc. (301) 807-2130
We strongly recommend that you determine if the agent is properly licensed by either visiting the state real estate regulatory authority or by checking this site: Click Here